
Thank you, Men!

In the celebration of Kartini’s Day this year, I personally want to write an appreciation for men who always support whatever women fight for. We all know how history tells us about the figure of RA Kartini who fought for education and equal treatment for women. The fight continued by building a special school for women with the support of her husband, KRM Adipati Ario Singgih Joyo Adhiningrat. Kartini’s Day also relates with gender equality which supposed to be created by both sides which are men and women.

Only few celebrations are held specifically to commemorate men’s movements. I suddenly define Kartini Day as a day of movement for men and women to fight together. There is nothing to overlap here, because men and women go hand in hand to complement each other.

A Campaign by UN Women for gender equality movement

One of the unique movements in my opinion is #HeforShe. A movement or solidarity action for gender equality. This action is carried out by men to support gender equality which is the idea of UN Women. Without synergy between men and women, gender equality will be difficult to achieve. It will be different if we want to work together to support each other.

Therefore, I would like to thank those of you who are fighting with us, for those of you who always support what we do, and for those of you who participate in completing and closing the gaps in our lack. Thank you for being strong to protect each other, and to be loyal to care for each other.

I write this for you, male figures who eager to fight alongside women. Let’s work together 🙂

Read another article about Kartini’s Day: https://dyastunia.com/opinion/kartini-who-breaks-the-tradition/

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